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In these health-conscious times, salt always seems to receive a very bad press, being thought of as detrimental to health and well-being.


    However it needs to be remembered that salt is essential in our diet, and also that salt is probably the most powerful flavour enhancer we have.

    Of course, the purer the salt, the better in this respect. Highly processed, industrially produced salt by its very nature loses many of its benefits, and one which suffers the most is flavour. Pure salts on the other hand can change the way you view this surprisingly varied condiment, with flavours ranging from mild to strong, and which change depending on where and with what the salt has been produced.

    Spice Mountain offers a wide range of pure salts, from the relatively common Pink Himalayan to the rare Persian Blue, all with their own individual character. We also offer a selection of seasoning salts, blended with other quality ingredients to add a distinctive element to your cooking.

    Remember that with quality salt, a little always goes a long way – because of this there is no risk of taking on too much salt, which of course would be bad for your health.

Showing 25–36 of 49 results

Showing 25–36 of 49 results